
Pessimism can be inspiration

The amount of complaining that I do in my own opinion consider to be dwelling in the range of A surplus. Thus, this being a skill that promotes negative energy (Which AJATT tells me "use the force Luke" *cough* "Let resistance fuel you") which means I can harness (for selfish gains, LIKE FOSSIL FUELS!!!!!) it and refine it to a point where the complaints change to more being of a more comedic means for my future.

When I would like to devulge to you a few of the my mental malices:

Japanese beginner complaints:

I can't read any kanji.

I can only read romanji I can't read any hiragana/katakana.

Conjugating verbs is too hard This song is gibberish.

I can't find any dramas I want to watch.

I can't think of what to say to a native speaker.

I can't find the Modivation to continue.

I can't get more than 1 one Srs done.

I can't visit Japan.

Japanese intermediate complaints:

I can't understand more than half of this kanji.

I can only read hiragana and katana.

I can't conjugate every verb.

I can only understand some of this song.

There are only a few shows I like to watch.

I can only say a few things to natives.

The Modivation happens only now and then.

I can't get more than half of my srs finished.

I can't goto Japan for longer that 2 weeks.

Japanese Advanced complaints:

There's not enough Kanji in this.

Conjugating is too easy.

These lyrics are too much about girls and Motivation.

There's too much shows coming at me.

Man, would they stop talking so I can focus on schoolwork.

Modivation is too overwhelming.

Srs deck too easy!

I can't get to Japan enough.

Notice how inspiring my sample complaints can be. As you notice it progressive from a whiny lazy person to an annoyed expert. So even your complaining can purge a wealth of memories to your journey. And since I couldn't think of anymore what are some escalating complaint you can think of?

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