
Plan to Destroy Septembers tundras

Well, I'm now reset into the college enviroment for my 4th session. Today being the "Calm Before the Storm" and as the laughs of my classmates dance on the walls I am considering how to save my 日本語 appetite from the blackhole of irrelevancy.

"The answer lies in the heart of batte!":
First and for most, I reconize that reading is paramount to 日本語 aprehension. That being a fact I've made it my personal goal to read at least 10 of any thing Japanese lititure accessible to me with in the confinds of that day. I've alread trumpted the qualm of facebook by switching my social sites to Japanese. This too shall pass (go and collect 200 Kanji.).

Since I'm constantly immersed in Japanese music there is not a problem, however there is the delima of the Japanese movies. I'm purged to collect my anime from torrents because the inability to fin (Raw) Japanese material online. If you know of any raw links to areas where I may watch raw online (Youtube expecially) please let me know.

This is my plan to guide my Japanese studies through the murky river of college study. What are yours?

1 comment:

  1. Links to pretty much every current anime, streaming, raw:

    And for dramas and variety shows:
